Working Mom vs STAHM

   This is a serious controversial topic. I’ve seen so many posts on social media bashing working mothers for not being with their kids or people saying stay at home Moms have it easy. I have done both, a lot of people close to me have done both. So I thought it would be a good thing to talk about!


   Okay so, I’ll first start with the stay at home mom perspective. I guess some think that if you stay at home and don’t have to get up and go to work everyday that you have it good right? Wrong. Being a stay at home mom has its luxuries, sure!
   No job to work around to make doctors appointments, errands can be ran whenever they need to be and there’s no chance you’ll miss getting to the bank in time because you got off work late. Clean the house when you feel like starting and take a break when you and the kids are ready to have lunch. HOWEVER, it also has its down falls. Serious ones. I was a stay at home mom for over a year and I wouldn’t do it again unless I absolutely had to.
   Reason? It is NOT all lattes and luxuries. I used to say I wish I could be a stay at home mom, so we decided I would do it. Being in the house all day with the kids means the kids are playing in the house all day, bathrooms being used, toys being drug out, snack crackers are being dropped all over the floor, kids are arguing, whining.
   I think the hardest for me was doing the same thing day in and day out and not one person to have a meaningful conversation with, and as you know there’s just NO getting on the phone these days with kids.  Just talking about it exhausts me. However, even after all the messes they make and how exhausting it can be, its still something I miss somehow? Like labor. I was in brutal pain, but I would go through it again in the drop of a hat.. I guess its a motherly thing. 
   Now, on to working mothers. I am a working mother. I love working. I do believe in my heart that working mothers have it harder than stay at home moms. Everyone has their own opinion and this is mine. All the cooking, cleaning, laundry, errands, bill paying, child duties, appointments etc that you have to do when your a stay at home mom, you still have to do when your a working mother. For most of us, a fairy doesn’t swoop in and take care of all those things just because we go to work. The duties are all still there, you just have to work on top of it.
   Its emotionally hard as well. I have to work to provide for my family,  those who are fortunate to be able to stay and home with no financial burden should consider themselves lucky because it is a great thing to have the option. It is extremely hard to not be home when my kids get off the bus in the afternoon from school. Thankfully, their dad is home two of the afternoons and I’m home one, but the days I’m not, I hate. I hate that I can’t look thru their folders and hear about their day. BUT I am grateful they come home and not to a daycare, their aunt is a huge help to John and I! #SisterSavesTheDay
   The good parts of working, I make my own money which gives me independence, a great feeling. I’m able to meet people, make friends and talk to other women/moms. I drop my kids off in the car loop, have a cup of coffee and quiet time and then head into work to make money to support my family. So there you have it. Two different perspectives, two views on one VERY controversial topic.

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  1. I am a working mom but I absolutely truly miss staying home with my baby. For one part I feel like I miss a part of my child’s life as they grow so quickly but unfortunately I don’t have the financial freedom to decide to stay home. Though I love to work and have that independence and socialize with other people but it seems there is just not enough time to make memories and cherish moments like I would like to. I believe both is equally hard at times because if you are a stay at home mom with no support system can be depressing with no one to talk to but your baby, sometimes you at least need that adult conversation.


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